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A Study of Definition to Waste Recycling Items and Impact Factors of Fee Settings

Guided by the principles of integrated research, this project undertakes a comprehensive examination of all the issues relating to the recycling and treatment of waste objects in Taiwan. The aim is to use consistent definitions and methods to calculate the disposal fee rates that should be applied to different types of waste objects and to containers made from different materials. The project also involves research into institutional issues, such as whether the disposal fees for the container should be collected from its source(which represents those materials or container manufacturers), whether the collecting object of disposal fees for the farm chemical should be altered from technical grade to the containers, and how the materials of container attachments can be reduced and environmental protected, also its analysis of practice and possibility is proceed. In addition to the examination of issues relating to disposal fee rates, which includes surveys, estimates and recommendations for solving the various problems, the research project also covers the data updating and maintenance of a decision-making support database system for related factors of waste disposal fee rates. Otherwise, the investigation of user disposing behavior for the containers and further to derive the disposing probability and quantity for the waste objects is also involved.
Waste Recycling Items, factors of disposal fee rates